August 7th, 2018 Official Result Summary

Registered Voters Ballots Cast Total Turnout Precincts Reporting Last Updated
197,717 406,090 205.39% 107 of 107 8/17/2018 12:50:28 PM
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REP - Governor

Total Votes Cast 41,878

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Evan Space REP 0 0.00 %
Evan Space REP 0 0.00 %
Evan Space REP 0 0.00 %
Patrick Colbeck REP 5,947 14.20 %
Jim Hines REP 4,892 11.68 %
Bill Schuette REP 19,649 46.92 %
Brian Calley REP 11,282 26.94 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
REP - United States Senator

Total Votes Cast 40,449

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
William F. White REP 0 0.00 %
William F. White REP 0 0.00 %
William F. White REP 0 0.00 %
John James REP 22,505 55.64 %
Sandy Pensler REP 17,800 44.01 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
REP - Representative in Congress 2nd District

Total Votes Cast 38,185

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Bill Huizenga REP 37,605 98.48 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
REP - Representative in Congress 6th District

Total Votes Cast 0

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
0 of 0 precincts fully reporting
REP - State Senator 30th District

Total Votes Cast 40,588

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Rett DeBoer REP 2,399 5.91 %
Daniela Garcia REP 10,647 26.23 %
Joe Haveman REP 10,585 26.08 %
Roger Victory REP 16,895 41.63 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
REP - Representative in State Legislature 88th District

Total Votes Cast 13,856

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Michael Bosch REP 2,862 20.66 %
Brent Huddleston REP 404 2.92 %
Luke Meerman REP 8,709 62.85 %
Jason Minier REP 1,849 13.34 %
31 of 31 precincts fully reporting
REP - Representative in State Legislature 89th District

Total Votes Cast 13,019

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Jim Lilly REP 10,287 79.02 %
Beverly Zimmerman REP 2,704 20.77 %
40 of 40 precincts fully reporting
REP - Representative in State Legislature 90th District

Total Votes Cast 11,853

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Bradley Slagh REP 9,943 83.89 %
Orlando J. Estrada REP 1,872 15.79 %
36 of 36 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 1st District

Total Votes Cast 3,807

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Frank Garcia REP 3,743 98.32 %
13 of 13 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 2nd District

Total Votes Cast 1,702

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Joe Baumann REP 1,694 99.53 %
8 of 8 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 3rd District

Total Votes Cast 1,793

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Don Disselkoen REP 1,751 97.66 %
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 4th District

Total Votes Cast 3,921

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Allen Dannenberg REP 3,903 99.54 %
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 5th District

Total Votes Cast 4,473

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Randy Meppelink REP 4,429 99.02 %
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 6th District

Total Votes Cast 4,579

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Cynthia Davis REP 1,212 26.47 %
Gregory Honderd REP 1,630 35.60 %
Kyle Terpstra REP 1,727 37.72 %
9 of 9 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 7th District

Total Votes Cast 3,774

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
James Holtvluwer REP 3,724 98.68 %
8 of 8 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 8th District

Total Votes Cast 2,250

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Greg DeJong REP 2,206 98.04 %
7 of 7 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 9th District

Total Votes Cast 3,290

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Philip Kuyers REP 1,934 58.78 %
Pat VerDuin REP 1,354 41.16 %
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 10th District

Total Votes Cast 2,898

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Roger A. Bergman REP 2,872 99.10 %
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
REP - County Commissioner 11th District

Total Votes Cast 3,348

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Matthew Fenske REP 3,336 99.64 %
12 of 12 precincts fully reporting
REP - Port Sheldon Township Clerk Partial Term

Total Votes Cast 699

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Teresa De Graaf REP 687 98.28 %
2 of 2 precincts fully reporting
REP - Spring Lake Township Trustee Partial Term

Total Votes Cast 1,706

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Catherine A. Pavick REP 1,690 99.06 %
6 of 6 precincts fully reporting
REP - Wright Township Treasurer Partial Term

Total Votes Cast 440

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Nancy E. Hopper REP 436 99.09 %
2 of 2 precincts fully reporting
DEM - Governor

Total Votes Cast 19,420

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
William Cobbs DEM 1 0.01 %
William Cobbs DEM 1 0.01 %
William Cobbs DEM 1 0.01 %
Shri Thanedar DEM 2,593 13.35 %
Gretchen Whitmer DEM 9,318 47.98 %
Abdul El-Sayed DEM 7,494 38.59 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
DEM - United States Senator

Total Votes Cast 18,058

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Debbie Stabenow DEM 17,908 99.17 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
DEM - Representative in Congress 2nd District

Total Votes Cast 17,480

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Rob Davidson DEM 17,396 99.52 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
DEM - Representative in Congress 6th District

Total Votes Cast 0

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
0 of 0 precincts fully reporting
DEM - State Senator 30th District

Total Votes Cast 17,207

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Jeanette Schipper DEM 17,119 99.49 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
DEM - Representative in State Legislature 88th District

Total Votes Cast 4,591

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Heidi A. Zuniga DEM 4,579 99.74 %
31 of 31 precincts fully reporting
DEM - Representative in State Legislature 89th District

Total Votes Cast 7,369

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Jerry Sias DEM 7,337 99.57 %
40 of 40 precincts fully reporting
DEM - Representative in State Legislature 90th District

Total Votes Cast 5,003

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Christopher Banks DEM 4,969 99.32 %
36 of 36 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 1st District

Total Votes Cast 440

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
13 of 13 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 2nd District

Total Votes Cast 322

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
8 of 8 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 3rd District

Total Votes Cast 1,914

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Doug Zylstra DEM 1,908 99.69 %
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 4th District

Total Votes Cast 1,096

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Emily Cobbs DEM 1,092 99.64 %
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 5th District

Total Votes Cast 158

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 6th District

Total Votes Cast 258

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
9 of 9 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 7th District

Total Votes Cast 336

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
8 of 8 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 8th District

Total Votes Cast 204

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
7 of 7 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 9th District

Total Votes Cast 290

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 10th District

Total Votes Cast 528

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
DEM - County Commissioner 11th District

Total Votes Cast 390

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
12 of 12 precincts fully reporting
DEM - Port Sheldon Township Clerk Partial Term

Total Votes Cast 68

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
2 of 2 precincts fully reporting
DEM - Spring Lake Township Trustee Partial Term

Total Votes Cast 232

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
6 of 6 precincts fully reporting
DEM - Wright Township Treasurer Partial Term

Total Votes Cast 28

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
2 of 2 precincts fully reporting
LIB - Governor

Total Votes Cast 242

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Bill Gelineau LIB 149 61.57 %
John J. Tatar LIB 91 37.60 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
LIB - United States Senator

Total Votes Cast 87

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Tim Yow LIB 5 5.75 %
Tim Yow LIB 5 5.75 %
Tim Yow LIB 5 5.75 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
LIB - Representative in Congress 2nd District

Total Votes Cast 44

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
LIB - Representative in Congress 6th District

Total Votes Cast 0

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
0 of 0 precincts fully reporting
LIB - State Senator 30th District

Total Votes Cast 192

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Mary Buzuma LIB 188 97.92 %
107 of 107 precincts fully reporting
LIB - Representative in State Legislature 88th District

Total Votes Cast 16

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
31 of 31 precincts fully reporting
LIB - Representative in State Legislature 89th District

Total Votes Cast 12

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
40 of 40 precincts fully reporting
LIB - Representative in State Legislature 90th District

Total Votes Cast 10

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
36 of 36 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 1st District

Total Votes Cast 8

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
13 of 13 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 2nd District

Total Votes Cast 8

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
8 of 8 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 3rd District

Total Votes Cast 2

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 4th District

Total Votes Cast 0

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 5th District

Total Votes Cast 4

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 6th District

Total Votes Cast 4

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
9 of 9 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 7th District

Total Votes Cast 6

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
8 of 8 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 8th District

Total Votes Cast 2

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
7 of 7 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 9th District

Total Votes Cast 0

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 10th District

Total Votes Cast 0

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
LIB - County Commissioner 11th District

Total Votes Cast 4

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
12 of 12 precincts fully reporting
LIB - Port Sheldon Township Clerk Partial Term

Total Votes Cast 2

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
2 of 2 precincts fully reporting
LIB - Spring Lake Township Trustee Partial Term

Total Votes Cast 2

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
6 of 6 precincts fully reporting
LIB - Wright Township Treasurer Partial Term

Total Votes Cast 0

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
2 of 2 precincts fully reporting
Allendale Public Schools Operating Millage Renewal Proposal

Total Votes Cast 2,631

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No NON 904 34.36 %
Yes NON 1,727 65.64 %
5 of 5 precincts fully reporting
Chester Township Fire Protection Millage Proposal

Total Votes Cast 426

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No NON 103 24.18 %
Yes NON 323 75.82 %
1 of 1 precincts fully reporting
City of Ferrysburg Museum Millage Renewal Proposal

Total Votes Cast 828

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes NON 559 67.51 %
No NON 269 32.49 %
1 of 1 precincts fully reporting
City of Grand Haven Museum Millage Proposal

Total Votes Cast 2,414

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No NON 524 21.71 %
Yes NON 1,890 78.29 %
4 of 4 precincts fully reporting
Grand Haven Township Museum Millage Proposal

Total Votes Cast 3,742

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No NON 1,105 29.53 %
Yes NON 2,637 70.47 %
7 of 7 precincts fully reporting
Holland Township Police/E-Unit Millage Proposal

Total Votes Cast 5,041

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes NON 3,893 77.23 %
No NON 1,148 22.77 %
12 of 12 precincts fully reporting
Jamestown Township Fire Department Millage Renewal

Total Votes Cast 1,878

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes NON 1,148 61.13 %
No NON 730 38.87 %
3 of 3 precincts fully reporting
Jamestown Township Road Improvement Millage Renewal

Total Votes Cast 1,873

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No NON 668 35.66 %
Yes NON 1,205 64.34 %
3 of 3 precincts fully reporting
Olive Township Fire Equipment Millage Renewal

Total Votes Cast 836

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes NON 514 61.48 %
No NON 322 38.52 %
2 of 2 precincts fully reporting
Olive Township Road Millage Renewal Proposal

Total Votes Cast 849

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No NON 349 41.11 %
Yes NON 500 58.89 %
2 of 2 precincts fully reporting
Park Township Parks and Recreation Millage Proposal

Total Votes Cast 4,869

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes NON 3,610 74.14 %
No NON 1,259 25.86 %
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
Tallmadge Charter Township Police and Fire Millage Proposal

Total Votes Cast 1,935

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes NON 1,298 67.08 %
No NON 637 32.92 %
3 of 3 precincts fully reporting
Wright Township Fire Protection Millage Renewal

Total Votes Cast 717

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No NON 219 30.54 %
Yes NON 498 69.46 %
2 of 2 precincts fully reporting
Precinct Summary Back 79 races
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