May 4th, 2021 Official Result Summary

Registered Voters Ballots Cast Total Turnout Precincts Reporting Last Updated
166,314 26,684 16.04% 67 of 67 5/4/2021 9:24:06 PM
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Grand Haven Charter Township Park Improvement Bond Proposal

Total Votes Cast 3,082

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes 1,972 63.98 %
No 1,110 36.02 %
5 of 5 precincts fully reporting
Grand Haven Charter Township Harbor Transit and Streets Millage Renewal Proposition

Total Votes Cast 3,084

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No 980 31.78 %
Yes 2,104 68.22 %
5 of 5 precincts fully reporting
Grand Haven Charter Township Four Pointes Millage Renewal Proposition

Total Votes Cast 2,984

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes 2,049 68.67 %
No 935 31.33 %
5 of 5 precincts fully reporting
City of Ferrysburg Motorized Equipment Millage Proposal

Total Votes Cast 565

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No 178 31.50 %
Yes 387 68.50 %
1 of 1 precincts fully reporting
Macatawa Area Express (MAX) Transportation Authority Operating Millage

Total Votes Cast 7,292

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No 1,311 17.98 %
Yes 5,981 82.02 %
19 of 19 precincts fully reporting
Fruitport Community Schools Bonding Proposal

Total Votes Cast 324

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes 187 57.72 %
No 137 42.28 %
2 of 2 precincts fully reporting
Grand Haven Area Public Schools Operating Millage Renewal Proposal

Total Votes Cast 6,765

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes 4,904 72.49 %
No 1,861 27.51 %
14 of 14 precincts fully reporting
Hudsonville Public Schools Operating Millage Renewal Proposal

Total Votes Cast 4,946

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes 3,489 70.54 %
No 1,457 29.46 %
16 of 16 precincts fully reporting
Ravenna Public Schools I. Bonding Proposal

Total Votes Cast 88

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No 43 48.86 %
Yes 45 51.14 %
1 of 1 precincts fully reporting
Ravenna Public Schools II. Bonding Proposal

Total Votes Cast 87

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No 44 50.57 %
Yes 43 49.43 %
1 of 1 precincts fully reporting
School District of the City of Holland Bonding Proposal

Total Votes Cast 4,816

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No 1,282 26.62 %
Yes 3,534 73.38 %
10 of 10 precincts fully reporting
West Ottawa Public Schools Operating Millage Renewal Proposal

Total Votes Cast 5,545

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No 1,547 27.90 %
Yes 3,998 72.10 %
15 of 15 precincts fully reporting
Zeeland Public Schools Bonding Proposal

Total Votes Cast 3,832

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
No 1,545 40.32 %
Yes 2,287 59.68 %
9 of 9 precincts fully reporting
Zeeland Public Schools Operating Millage Renewal Proposal

Total Votes Cast 3,835

Candidate/Proposal Party Votes Percent
Yes 2,791 72.78 %
No 1,044 27.22 %
9 of 9 precincts fully reporting
Precinct Summary Back 14 races
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